
佩尔拉 and Ayleen Grijalva study together with a laptop in Donnelly's bistro.

佩尔拉 (left) and Ayleen Grijalva

Some may remember 佩尔拉 Grijalva from a December 2022 LPL外围网址 mailing. An exciting update is that 佩尔拉’s daughter, Ayleen, is pursuing a degree at Donnelly as well. 佩尔拉 completed her associate degree in December 2023 while simultaneously taking classes to complete Donnelly’s bachelor’s degree in business leadership. Ayleen is in her second semester of Donnelly’s associate of arts program.

Why did you choose to attend LPL外围网址?

佩尔拉 – I attended a college fair at Ayleen’s high school Sumner Academy of Arts & 科学. We went looking for college options for Ayleen. I stopped at the Donnelly table and struck up a conversation in Spanish with the admissions representative. I expressed my dream of going to college as a first-generation student. The Donnelly representative encouraged me to go back to school and gave me her business card. A few months later, I found the Donnelly business card while cleaning my house and decided to call. 最初, I planned to attend classes for one semester to see if pursuing a college degree was feasible. 这是! I am so glad I found the business card and called.

Ayleen – I came to Donnelly because of my mom. I attended a local university right out of high school and it was not a good fit for me. My mom encouraged me to try Donnelly because it is an excellent, small school. The faculty and staff are “on you” about your grades. That was the difference I needed – knowing someone genuinely cares about me. 这是一个伟大的决定.

What is your favorite thing about going to school together?

佩尔拉 – I love seeing her every day so I can understand her better. We 连接 on a student-to-student level and have other things to talk about other than family matters. It has deepened our relationship. Going to school with Ayleen has provided support and a distraction from the loss of my other daughter Evelyn, who died of cancer at the age of nine.

Ayleen – At first, I was “iffy” about it. Since I moved out of her house and am on my own, it has been a good way to get together, 连接, and build our relationship.  她是我最好的朋友.

What is the worst thing about going to school together?

佩尔拉 - - - - - -没有.

Ayleen – That my mom knows when I am late to or miss a class.


佩尔拉 – After completing my bachelor's in business leadership from Donnelly, I plan to continue my work with our non-profit - Team Evelyn. I love to help others and will look for local volunteer opportunities, especially at Children’s Mercy.

Ayleen -我喜欢和孩子们一起工作. Because of a Donnelly career fair, I got a job at Corinth Elementary as a lead in their after-school program. 我也是布洛赫学者. After I graduate from Donnelly in 2025, I will pursue a degree in elementary education from UMKC.

Is there anything else you would like to mention?

佩尔拉 – I am so happy and blessed to have found Donnelly. 就像治疗一样. It warms my heart to see Ayleen working on her dreams too. She needed time after the passing of Evelyn. But now we are on the same page.

Ayleen – I feel so lucky and appreciative when I think that my mom is at school with me. 我的动力来自我妈妈. She is a better student than me.  Some family members may be jealous of her, but I am proud of my mom. After the passing of my sister Evelyn, it was rough. Everyone grieves differently. School has re连接ed me with my family.

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