

在40年代末, 就在堪萨斯城历史悠久的草莓山以西的一个社区, 堪萨斯, 一项将永远改变这个社区的任务正在悄然进行. This mission would seek to educate and inspire generations through an accessible and affordable Catholic higher education for all, 包括许多低收入者, 居住在该地区的第一代学生和移民家庭. 在圣芒特本笃会修女杰罗姆·基勒的带领下. 和堪萨斯城教区的乔治·唐纳利主教, 唐纳利社区学院成立于1949年. 近70年来, LPL外围网址 has remained an integral a part of the community and continues to be devoted to the promise of a quality, 方便和负担得起的天主教高等教育,任何人都希望追求它. 

At the heart of the LPL外围网址 experience for our students is a foundational liberal arts curriculum that allows them to explore life’s greater purpose, to discuss controversial issues facing society today and to develop a broad knowledge of the world. 这个课程, 以及我们支持和包容的环境, 培养学生成为独立思考者, ethical leaders in any field and to live up to their fullest potential – becoming the best version of themselves. 

在全国260所天主教高等教育机构, 鼓励学生思考自己的信仰和人生目标, 无论是在教室里还是在教室外. This type of environment provides challenging academics that encourage students to think critically and explore their own faith traditions, 不管是什么. While each institution exists independently of the Church and has distinct program offerings and operational models, 他们都有共同的核心价值观来指导他们所提供的教育. 

这些价值观包括(1)奖学金:高质量的学者, (2)忠于福音:以人为本的方法, (3)见证:以价值观为基础的环境;(4)服务:社会公正和服务学习. 

在唐纳利, these values – and the resulting transformation of our students – can be witnessed daily on campus and in our surrounding community. 这里有几个例子. 


高质量的学术不仅仅是严格的课程. They can also be about helping a student to understand the world around them on a very practical level, 并帮助他们发展成为一个有道德的领导者,准备在大学毕业后面对这个世界.  

卡罗尔马霖诺维奇, 他是指导唐纳利学生学习之旅的众多有经验的教育者之一, 擅长这种方法. 马霖诺维奇 has been teaching American Government and Political Science at DonnellyCollege for nearly six years. 

“It is important for students to connect what they are learning in the class to the events of today,马里诺维奇说. 

As a former educator with 堪萨斯 City 堪萨斯 Public Schools for 23 years and the former Mayor and CEO of the Unified Government of Wyandotte County and 堪萨斯 City, 堪萨斯, 马霖诺维奇, 像许多唐纳利教练一样, 用生活经验指导课堂讲课. 

“Each class begins with a discussion of current events – linking it to what we are learning about government,”她说。. 

最近的总统大选, 马里诺维奇说,她注意到学生们对政治的兴趣有所增加. 

“我们详细讨论了他们各自政治哲学的发展,”她说. “他们中的许多人对移民改革感兴趣,但不仅限于此.” 



但不仅仅是学生在学习. 马里诺维奇说,她的学生教会了她千禧一代的视角. 

“作为婴儿潮一代, 我认为了解未来领导人的观点是很重要的,马里诺维奇说. 


You will hear it said on campus that LPL外围网址 is an institution that takes students from where they are to where they want to be. 每个部门, 教职员工试图关注整个人, 解决他们的社交问题, 学术和精神需求. 学生们经常以意想不到的方式在课堂上找到安慰, 满足他们不知道存在的需求. 

以Niesha King为例. 小时候,金只上过三年级. 金的母亲不相信女性应该接受正规教育. 但当她17岁的时候, armed with a desire for an education but lacking the preparation that her peers received in middle school and high school, 金打算获得普通教育水平证书. 如今,金是一名成功的唐纳利学生,将于2017年5月毕业. 

“The way that I look at it is, the time is going to pass anyway, so what am I doing with the time?金说. “我只是希望我的生活有意义. 我不想成为另一个数字或统计数据,或者只是融入大众.” 

通过堪萨斯城劳动力伙伴关系提供的密集辅导和支持服务, 堪萨斯, 金准备了六个月,然后通过了普通教育水平考试.

在获得普通教育文凭后, 金上的是当地的一所社区大学, 但发现一个庞大而没有人情味的机构不适合她. 通过朋友, 2016年,她找到了去唐纳利的路, 甚至申请并获得了布洛赫奖学金(布洛赫奖学金), 以H&R Block和Donnelly学院的赞助人Henry Bloch, provides two years of free tuition and books at LPL外围网址 plus two additional years at UMKC). 


“我不是一个虔诚的教徒, but the first thing that was super impactful was that Sister Marie Kathleen Daugherty opened her class with prayer. 我们在怀恩多特的中心, 还有很多事情要做, 想让我不去上学. 能够坐在教室里感觉很安全. 有人在祈祷. 这真的让我有家的感觉.

One of Donnelly’s mottos is ‘become the best version of yourself’ and that is so valuable and magnificent to me. It’s just a really great platform for me to actually express myself and be the best version that I can become,金说. 


感恩节就像火鸡的味道一样扑面而来, 火腿, 11月22日,红薯和南瓜派充斥着校园的大厅, 就像每年的那个时候一样. 

30多年了, 独特的唐纳利传统为我们的学生提供了体验社区的机会, conversation and service on campus – at a time of year that holds special meaning for so many of us. 

谢谢 & 给, initiated in the mid- 1980s by long-time English faculty and Humanities Department Chair Dolores Podrebarac, 以祈祷仪式开始, 表示感谢, 并为当地食品储藏室提供罐装食品. 在20世纪90年代中期,学校增加了共享餐,将校园社区团结在一起. The tradition continues today with a prayer service and 谢谢giving banquet for our students prepared and served by staff and faculty. 今年,学校提供三种不同的餐点:日间学生、夜校学生和护校学生. 

This approach to serving provides an opportunity for Donnelly to place the institutional values of community and inclusiveness into action, 以及更广泛的天主教和本笃会好客和团结的价值观. Donnelly students come together for a family-like feast in a peaceful environment that invites and celebrates all cultures. 在今年的活动中, 三名学生分享了他们的穆斯林祈祷, 基督教和巴西传统. 

同时,活动为学生提供了一个包容的空间热餐, 其目的是提供更多. 吃饭时, a video message of encouragement and hope showcased ten faculty and staff members who shared messages of what they appreciated about Donnelly students. 

“每天, 我起床去上班,我很兴奋地去上班, 因为我要去见我们的学生,梅根·乔丹说, 学术顾问. “他们鼓舞人心, 他们工作很努力, 他们是专用的, 他们很勇敢——他们是我所渴望成为的.” 


希望将天主教的社会正义教育与扫盲教育结合起来, 丽莎Stoothoff, 预备教育总监, 2012年从塔吉特(Target)获得了一笔赠款,现已发展成为年度服务学习项目. 

更广为人知的名字是L计划.O.U.D., 市区扫盲推广, the project benefits both Donnelly’s Preparatory Education students and students from the urban core of 堪萨斯 City, 堪萨斯. 

“这是我们学生的一种方式, 谁在努力提高阅读和写作的熟练程度, 练习
他们的公开演讲技巧, 提高读写能力,回馈社会

After six-weeks of intensive reading and writing preparation with Assistant Professors 丽莎Stoothoff and Gretchen Meinhardt, a class of 28 Donnelly students attended Our Lady of Unity School on October 5 to read their own original poems to kindergarten through fifth grade students. 


“我们想鼓励很多孩子, 从小就开始, 阅读并鼓励他们练习
creative writing skills by reading them these poems and being an inspiration to them,” Torres said. “他们
can really start to spark their imaginations and be able to be more creative and start to pick up on some writing skills,
他们通常在一年级或二年级左右开始学习. It’s really good to expose them to this – especially because there are a lot of bilingual students.” 

The students that attend Our Lady of Unity School and those that attend Donnelly are not that different. 许多人属于相似的人口群体. 

“Our population at Donnelly mimics the population at Our Lady of Unity and I think that connection was important for both to see,斯托特霍夫说. Because of this, the students are receiving much more than simply a special guest reader in class. 

这是一个双赢的局面,因为小学生看到了榜样:“嘿, 他长得和我一模一样, 他说话像我, 也许他在这里上过学,看看他的人生成就——他现在要上大学了,’”斯托特霍夫说. “这表明他们迈出了一步. 不是,它可能会发生,它将会发生. 总有一天你会上大学的.” 

LPL外围网址 Preparatory Education classes have read to students at both public and private schools within the urban core of 堪萨斯 City, 包括米.E. 皮尔逊小学,麦金利小学和复活天主教学校. 

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